P.S. I’m opening up 1:1 coaching (10 spots left)
This coaching is for family history or memoir writers who know they want to share their story but are overwhelmed or stuck with how to get it done. You have the stories and memories in your head, but struggle with getting them down on paper.
Ready to kick the overwhelm to the curb? I got you!
Three months, one goal to jumpstart your memoir, me by your side to help you every step of the way.
We will be looking at:
- * What you want to accomplish with your story during these 3 months, as well as going forward.
- * Where you’re stuck or limiting yourself.
- * What are your goals for your story and what do you need to bring them to vibrant life?
- * Weekly concrete steps to achieve forward movement toward your goals.
- * What tactics and tools to use to make your story shine.
- * Figuring out together the best storytelling strategy for you and your unique story.
- * How to make everything we accomplish during our three months of 1:1 work last BEYOND and help you continue forward.
Basically, this coaching if for you if you’ve known you want to share your story (or that of a family member) but have become stuck with the size of the goal or the sheer quantity of material to work with. We handle all kinds of stuck, so let’s talk about it!
You will set your goal with my guidance and I’ll be beside you every step of the way over a period of three months to help you achieve it.
How it works:
- * We’ll talk once a week on Zoom for an in-depth 1 hour session.
- * You’ll have email access to me between sessions, including for critiques and questions.
- * You’ll have phone access to me for a 15 minute check in between sessions should you need it.
- * I will review whatever material you have and give a professional editorial evaluation, looking for strengths and weaknesses that we can address in relation to your goal. We’ll talk through any fixes or improvements that can help you tell your story in a way you can be proud of.
How to sign up:
Since 1:1 work is a big commitment for both of us, let’s make sure we’re on the same page and that there’s a good personality fit. If you’re interested in working with me, shoot me an email at karen@rememberingthetime.net and let me know what you’d like to achieve in a three month memoir coaching jumpstart. If I believe I can help you, we’ll set up a time to chat over the phone or Zoom call and I’ll send you a detailed overview of the Life Legacy Signature Coaching program.
I’m looking forward to visiting with you about your story!