About Me

I’m a writer, editor, and memoir coach based in the beautiful Southwest of Las Cruces, New Mexico. The memories of those who “remember when” are fascinating and I have a passion to save their stories. I am committed to helping you share your unique memories.
During a class on memoir writing I observed the joy students expressed as they listened to each other’s histories. Acting on a long standing dream of helping families document their own stories I began Remembering the Time memoir service. My goal is to capture the natural bent for story telling that we share at gatherings of family and friends and help you create a gift that will reach beyond your own life into future generations.
Want to write your own story? I also provide coaching and editorial services to bring out the best in your memoir writing. With over 25 years of experience teaching, tutoring, writing, and editing for both individuals and businesses I’m skilled at helping you tell your story in a professional, creative manner. I earned a BA in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin—Madison; my work has been published in a wide variety of publications. Two of my true joys are personal memoir coaching and giving live workshops sharing practical steps and inspiration to encourage people to share their stories. Interested in how to write your memoir or family history? Let’s talk story!
"Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things."
~ Cicero ~