Wow, here’s an eye-opening question I read online today:
“What was Leonardo da Vinci doing at your age?” (Courtesy of CNN interactive)
Well, I’m 54 (we don’t count the halves anymore :)) and this is the illuminating response I received:
“At the age of 54, Leonardo had been working for two years on his most famous painting, the “Mona Lisa,” although he would not complete it for another decade. It depicts Italian noblewoman Lisa del Giocondo, which is why the work is also known as “La Gioconda” in Italian and “La Joconde” in French.”
At first I thought ‘Hmm, that’s discouraging and disconcerting!’ Now after those two sobering Debbie Downer thoughts, comparing myself to this remarkable genius, I realized,
Wait a minute, it doesn’t matter that I can’t
paint myself out of a box…I’m not called to be a Genius Artist/Inventor.
And that, my friends, is encouraging!
In my own corner of the world, with those I interact with on a regular basis, I am, I hope, bringing love, inspiration, truth, encouragement and grace into their lives.
Whether you’re teaching five year olds, digging ditches, inventing amazing things or engineering the best way to get your toddler into a car seat, you’ve been given the opportunity to have a profound impact in your little corner of the universe.
I want to look into your face and say ‘Don’t take your life and times for granted! You matter and you make a difference right where you’re at.’ Now, go live this incredible gift of a life you’ve been given, do it well and share it with others.
Yours Truly,