Need some help getting out of the greeting card swamp this Valentine’s Day? No roses, no candy either. Swim up out of the sea of red hearts and all that says “love” in the commercial world. This Valentines’ Day, look around your sphere of family and friends and consider the broader scope of the meaning of love. This is just as important to do with your romantic love too. We all crave being loved for who we are as individuals. Go deeper; get specific about what you love about the fellow human beings in your life.
Below are three prompts for beautiful Valentine’s Day letters that say “I love you”:
1– Tell two things you love about them and why. This works for everyone: grandparents, parents, children and friends. Key-get specific.
2– Tell why they are your friend and what you love doing together. Write a couple sentences about a memorable time together. What is your most treasured memory with them?
3– Talk about something you would like to do with them in the future, dream a little. It could be realistic, something you can actually make happen, or it could be an “I wish…” dream.
Hint—if you want some inspiration watch the movie “Up” again to see some of the best expressions of true love on the big screen.
One caveat for this little assignment.
No texting!
These are the types of letters that are read, re-read and saved for a lifetime.