Life is full of celebrations–they serve to set the rhythm of our years. We love to share the details of special ways we mark the days. Are you getting together with your family and friends this Easter? Talk with each other about some of your cherished traditions and customs. Did your parents and grandparents observe the holiday and how did they celebrate? You might get some unusual answers if they grew up in another country!
In one French town they make a giant omelet with thousands of eggs. In Florence, Italy they sing Gloria in church then blow up a cart filled with fireworks. In Bermuda they fly kites to illustrate Christ’s ascension. Read more interesting customs at:
Ask about everyone’s most memorable Easter. Perhaps it was a sunrise church service, hunting Easter eggs, a moving prayer or even receiving a pet bunny. I remember one brilliant, glorious New Mexico sunrise service as a child when I was just beginning to understand the gift of Easter.
Another memory lands squarely in the goofy department when I dressed both myself and my horse as the Easter bunny and delivered candy to my little brother.
Here are a few more questions to spark your conversations and draw you closer to those around your dinner table this year:
- Who has inspired you the most during the last year?
- What is your favorite childhood memory?
- What do you think are the 3 most important things in life?
- Who has been kind to you over the past year?
Wishing you a day full of rejoicing!